Move ahead, budge on.
Walk slowly, carefully, but with bold steps because growth is a step by step process.
But remember one important thing that every time you fall, you have to get up as that is exactly the way you learnt how to walk.
These are nothing but words of general wisdom passed over to us by those learned, aged, dead and gone.
And they have been right most of the time...
In life when on our road to success, we tend to tread it with perhaps a little fear, scepticism and apprehension. We yearn to succeed, persevere, feel popular and wanted. But all this comes with a heavy price tag, yes it definitely does. We will sweat, we will bleed...and we have to go on...
Life might have been an aromatic bed of roses in the past, but look carefully now and you shall find thorns.

On that long grudging road, you will meet many, most of whom will tell you of their life-stories.
Be not deaf, because these are important lessons of wisdom and caution to remember.
Be not blind, for you will have to dodge all the obstacles that come as you walk.
Hurry now, the sun, your guide, your master, has traced its path across the sky and the thick woods are just ahead. The dull gloominess, the blinding darkness and the loud silence must not deter you. And most of all, remember these words of a wise man: Mad heart! Be brave! The dark will edge away, but you have to knock down the adversities.
What you have done does not matter now, what you shall do next is yet unknown.
Great men have left behind their footprints in the sands of time, but they are not meant to be followed, but to be learnt from. You should know that you shouldn’t follow where the path may lead, but go instead where there is no path, and leave a trail behind…
Its twilight, but you know that the light hasn’t died out as yet. For there, almost at the hemline of the horizon you have found it.
There, nestled amidst the most beautiful works of nature, is your hamlet, your treasure, your destination.
Still, you mustn’t forget, there is a long way to go…
“Everyone on earth has a treasure that awaits him.
Wherever his heart is, there will he find his treasure...”
Paulo Coelho