I was at a local bookstore the other day searching for a good Mothers’ Day gift for my mother (she, of course would mentally accept nothing else, owing to the fact that books are her first love).Every book that I scrolled through seemed quite monotonous somehow, especially the ones in the Fiction category (my mum is an avid reader of those) when I came to the humor section and found quite a lovely collection of Henry Cecil’s works(although I must recommend to you Arthur Bloch’s “Murphy’s Laws” for an excellent view on laws that define all the modern day unexplainable ironic things that happen in our lives.). “The Buttercup Spell” is one of them.
“The Buttercup Spell” is quite interesting. Its not your everyday read. But it talks of something very important through those funny lines, something that has been long missing from this world, and that is “LOVE”.
Here’s what it says on the back:
“Imagine a situation where a judge hands out a lenient sentence because he is suddenly filled with love for his fellow man. Think of a world where Trade Union leaders fully support their bosses’ high salaries and where policemen hug and kiss drivers stopped for speeding.
The secret of this strange behavior is nothing less than buttercup pollen. It appears to contain the formula to make people love their fellow man.
However, the attraction of this modern day Utopia begins to fade as the country yearns for an end to the boredom of infinite love. Eventually the government is forced to step in and matters gradually return to normal…”
Pretty much what the world needs right now, don’t you think so?
Anyway here’s what I would like to conclude with. I was reading “Chicken Soup for the Women’s Soul” (again a part of my mother’s great book collection) the other day, and I came across this cartoon of a woman and her friend, who were on a shopping trip, holding out a t-shirt which had “LOVE” written on it. And this is what the woman said while holding it out, “It says one size fits all. And it doesn’t cost a thing!”…