The title of my post,although random, has got nothing to do with what I'm going to write,although it deeply inspires it's contents.It's more or less got to do with what I'm feeling right now,and how writing this article will change my state of mind for the rest of the day.
I can actually hear it...can't you?It's the sound of corn seeds popping in the steam basin,with the beautiful burst of yellow everywhere.And when you place a few popcorns in your mouth,they just melt away...
Its not easy you know,describing emotions and comparing them to edibles like popcorn.It's a tough call,especially when you choose to write on such a topic to seemingly make you look different.Nevertheless,I think doing the unconventional is what sets us apart from the rest.
The lives we lead,in fact,can be compared to everything around us,be it popcorn or the beautiful rainbow outside.It's like I said in my previous post,life is so easy yet so difficult to understand.It's a collage,a jigsaw...unexplainable.The only difficult part about it is that we complicate it.
We got to understand that simplicity lies everywhere.And it's so easy and simple that I end up writing about it everytime.

This post,which comes after a long time and though short,hopefully conveys what the mind of a teenager like me is trying to say.We got to tell ourselves that the wait is over.And the music is still on...