1. Why is it that the phone always only rings once your totally immersed in your bathtub?
2. Why does the other queue always move faster?
3. Why is it that every time you hope to catch a good flick on TV on a particularly free day that nothing good is on?
4. Why does your entire friend circle remember to call you only when you’re totally pre-occupied with something extremely important?
5. Why is it that when you expect someone, anyone at all to call or message you that no one ever does so?
6. How do you know where the line is until you cross it?
7. Exactly which side of the coin is the flip-side?
8. Why is it that every time you want to prove to someone that something won’t work, it instantly starts working?
9. Why is it that every time you expect someone to be mind-blowingly funny, he always lets you down?
10. Why does it always itch the most in a place that is farthest to reach?