Come on,there has to be an end to this madness,this madness that I'm shortly going to tell you about...
It was just yesterday when one of my teachers told me that the results of the students taking the 11th grade state syllabus board exams were shortly going to be declared (I'm one of the few lucky ones who's writing her board exams at the end of her 12th grade,CBSE boards you see).Amidst all the nail-biting and simpering(which has been on for a month now)came out the results.And the reactions were shocking.I mean really shocking!In fact I thought I could see the human race degenerating in front of my own eyes.And all this because a 94 percenter thought her marks were inadequate and highly dissatisfying.And she was actually upset about it.
This is not just her,but hundreds around us who feel the same,strangled by the ever rising competition,dazed by the smokey rat race,gripped by the materialistic pleasures...and that includes me as well.
We all are living in a highly competitive world and we have to be wary of every step we take.All of us are struggling to stand out amidst the crowd,

It's all about striving for the best,creating the best and being the best.No one wants to end up getting lost in this vortex.
But where does all of this end?Surely it can't be good when it happens because the speed of the changes going on out there is maddening.
And what of our future generations?Will they mellow down or is it going to be worse?It's a question no one's dared to answer yet,because it surely isn't good news.
The trick is to just accept the fact that we humans are slowly metamorphosing into automatons.Maybe,very soon, the hormones in our system will be replaced by liquid engineering technology and our brain by a simple microprocessor.
And it's not hard to imagine that now, is it?