Just a couple of days back I was going through my inbox,and this is what I found amidst a clutter of unread forwards.
"Smile For You...
Smiling is infectious,you catch it like the flu,
When someone smiled at me today,I started smiling too!
I passed around the corner,when someone saw my grin,
When he smiled,I realised,I'd passed it on to him!
I thought about that smile then I realised it's worth,
A single smile,just like mine,could travel round the earth!
So if you feel a smile begin,don't leave it undetected,
Let's spread an epidemic quick,and get the world infected!"
And there are so many incidents that teach us how to live life and make it through every difficulty with just this one devastating weapon!The most interesting people you meet have the lovliest smiles and the most pleasing attitudes,like the recent blogger friend I made who just never stops smiling(I know it even though I've never personally met him.He sends a minimum of twenty smileys in every fifty lines of chatting)!
So smile now,win hearts and see how glorious it makes you feel at the end of the day!
Just one thing.
Don't forget to brush!