It is often in life when we wonder how the funniest things we come across have the weirdest beginnings.
All of us have been playing pranks on almost everyone on the 1st of april since donkey's years.But have we ever thought of why this day was picked out as Fools' Day?
I was browsing through stuff on Google when I stumbled upon this information.
Believe it or not a particular commission "of hoaxes and other practical jokes" marked this day out to be celebrated as named.
In Scotland the custom was known as "hunting the gowk," i.e. the cuckoo,the cuckoo being a term of contempt.
And what's more?We'll find that there have been some seriously funny well-known pranks that have been played in the past.

On April Fools' Day, 1997, Cartoon Network ran the 1944 Screwy Squirrel cartoon Happy-Go-Nutty repeatedly from 6 AM to 6 PM, suggesting that the cartoon character had taken over the network.
Water on Mars: In 2005 a news story was posted on the official NASA website purporting to have pictures of water on Mars. The picture actually was just a picture of a glass of water on a Mars Candy Bar.
Spaghetti trees: The BBC television programme Panorama ran a famous hoax in 1957, showing the Swiss harvesting spaghetti from trees. They had claimed that the despised pest "the spaghetti weevil" had been eradicated. A large number of people contacted the BBC wanting to know how to cultivate their own spaghetti trees. It was in fact filmed in St Albans.
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And yea!Happy Fools' day!
cool info,i love april fools day,id have to say its one of my favorites.
happy fools day to u as well.and that was an info to me... ihope that wasn't making a fool of us.
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Yeah, quite informative.
Anyway, let every fool has his day. Ok!
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