A Burst of Colour...

Monday, June 23, 2008

What Do You Think?

Different people,different perspectives...

What does this picture show you?

Tell me what you think by posting your comments.You'll be amazed as to how one picture could mean so many things to so many people!

Don't forget to keep coming back!


Ananya said...

To me it looks like a man with a pink hat,moustache and long hair,wearing a brown T shirt that has the image of a butterfly on it,clasping his hands together and praying

Ananya said...

Tagging you with this link http://ananyasspot.blogspot.com/2008/06/hi.html

C. Marie Byars said...

I just see the 1970's U.S, come to life! Not any one thing---just the era. (Even though it was really before my time!)

Jim Swindle said...

I see the 1968-1978 era in the USA. (I do remember it.) The picture makes me think of misguided people who thought that meditation, love/sex and drugs would bring peace and harmony to the world. Many of them were sincere.

Thanks for letting people express what they see.

C. Marie Byars said...

[I'm leaving you this poem I wrote in 1987 about the modern American mindset and its influence upon Christianity It does not reflect a crushing depression on my part. Blessings!]

The Jordan in but never out,
So knowledge takes in me such route
In brackish waters to brood about
The suppression of true freedom's shout---
The Dead Sea.

At lowest point, then, here I sit.
The deepest depression of deep'ning rift.
The deep'ning gloom---and shall it lift?
Integrity's shroud, hides Holy Writ. . .

As just-hatched bird by Nature bred
Lives just to squawk and so be fed
I now by histr'y do so defend
By justified means I reach this end:
The Bland Me.

I lived through day, I lived through night;
I lived through love, I lived through fright;
I turned inside to put to flight
The hopeless failures from crueller sight:
The Dead Me.

Whether by mindless shallowness
Or endless, stale analysis,
In Sophist and in Hedonist
The fear of Feeling here exists:
The fear "to be."

On me they float but can't dive in:
Cannot drown but cannot swim.
Advance in skills. . .Retreat within. . .
A merry-go-round with fatal spin. . .

Oh, to be that other sea,
Parted to let young Israel free,
Closed to drown out cruelty,
Fluid with fresh-faced vitality:
The Red Sea!!!

BIG Omi said...

Hi Babes! Where are you? Long time havent seen you around! Comeback soon!

With loadsa Information!

Miss You


BIG Omi said...

Hey are you olrite.. please reply!